Most recent version of Atom 3.3 software is available
"Geology and geochemistry: chemical analysis"
This book presents various modern analytical methods affecting geological objects analyzing problems, determination of natural materials composition, including those methods using equipment that we produce.
A new issue of «Industrial laboratory» magazine is available
«Industrial laboratory. Materials diagnostics» 2017.
Training update: refresher training planning
A refresher training -"Methodical bases of atomic-emission spectral analysis using MAES" has been planned to take place on the following dates:
from 23.01.2017 till 03.02.2017 and from 13.06.2017 till 23.06.2017.
On August, 19 at Novosibirsk Akademgorodok has successfully finished XV international symposium "Industrial application of MAES analysers".
Training update: Yekaterinburg, 14-24 june 2016.
Information is available in the following section Support --> Training
Software update for Atom v.3.3 is available
A new software package is available in the following section Support --> Downloads.
The journal «Industrial laboratory. Materials diagnostics» is a monthly periodical scientific and technical journal of analytic chemistry, physical, mechanical and mathematical methods of substances and materials investigation and certification.