This book presents various modern analytical methods affecting geological objects analyzing problems, determination of natural materials composition, including those methods using equipment that we produce.
This book presents various modern analytical methods affecting geological objects analyzing problems, determination of natural materials composition, including those methods using equipment that we produce.
The book was published under the editorship of the Honored Worker of Russian Science, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences, Russian Academy of Natural Sciences academician Gennadiy Nikitovich Anoshin (1938-2016)
it is available on Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) website
"This publication presents various modern analytical methods affecting the analysis of geological objects, such as natural or waste water, atmospheric and volcanic gases, soils, bottom sediments; Meteorites, cosmic dust, etc.
In various articles and monographs it is reflected that along the whole path of its development, mineralogy has come into very close contact with chemistry, to which there are a large number of examples. A fairly vivid example is the discovery of many rare-earth elements. "It was a sea of mistakes, and the truth was drowning in it," the famous French chemist J. Urban once said about the history of rare-earth elements. For scientists engaged in geological research and geologists and practitioners, as well as representatives of neighboring sciences - chemistry, astrophysics, ecology. "