Integral solution consists of a MAES analyser, spectrum excitation source and other additional devices.
"EXPRESS-OIL" oils spectrometric analysis system is designed for analysis of engine oils in accordance with GOST 20759 and determining the concentration of wear elements of rubbing parts of diesel contamination and additives in oils of diesel engines during scheduled maintenance and repair of locomotives in the repair of locomotive depot as well as conducting electronic recording and analysis of dynamics of the content of wear elements in engine oils for each locomotive, as well as determining the composition of metals and alloys according to GOST, greases (according to ЦТЧ-28/4, ЦТЧС-53 "Instructions for quality control of grease from the axle bearings of locomotives") and other materials.
«EXPRESS-OIL» atomic-emission spectral analysis complex with MAES analyser for diesel engine oils analysis.