Bi-pulse laser atomic emission spectrum excitation source
«Potok» Electric arc system for analysis of powder samples using the pour-blowing method
«Grand-Potok» atomic emission complex for spectrum analysis
«Aspect» vapor generator of analytical probes of metal samples
Remotely operated atomizer
Metal samples preparation device
«EXPRESS-OIL» diesel engine oils spectrometric analysis system
Vacuum optical-emission spectrometers
Crater-2: graphite electrodes preparation device
«Sharovaya molniya» spectroanalytical generator
«Vesuviy-3» universal generator
«Grand-Globula» atomic emission complex for spectrum analysis
«Grand» – multichannel optical-emission spectrometers
MAES analyser for scintillation
«Globula» spectroanalytical sample stand
The Grand-IСP spectrometer
«Kolibri-2» compact multichannel spectrometer
Table for powder samples
«Kristall» universal sample stand
«Pavlin» flame spectrometer
MAES analyser
«Atom» software
«Express» universal spectrometer
«Fakel» twin-jet arc plasmatron
«Grand-Expert» atomic emission complex for spectrum analysis